Monday, May 4, 2009

Scary Spots

Okay so on Sat morning I awoke to spots.
I feeked out a little inside as the day progressed and I prayed and willed it to just STOP!
During my pregnancy with Evan I had several spotting days. But this time I'm more aware of what they could lead to. I was blissfully unaware to the dangers that lay head.
Anyway I continued to pray and will all day at work, I took it as easy as I could. Placing myself at the till as to not be stuck carrying heavy food bags or lifting at all. I was super wussy all day long but I made it through my shift. We went to go see Jordanna at the hospital and my dad afterward. When we got home I checked again and the spotting wasn't getting any worse, but it wasn't totally gone either. I did my best to sleep, but found myself worrying to much, I slept like crap.
The next morning on Sunday I got up and checked right away. Nothing. No spots, nothing.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief! Few! Maybe God is going to let me keep this one.
Luv ya ladies!

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