Friday, May 1, 2009

Good News, Bad Fears

Okay so as we all know I miscarried the last number 2 child. It was very hard and scary to try again, and frankly I'm still freaked that it will happen again. I didn't want to let myself got to emotionally involved until this morning when I got my first bout of morning sickness. Not that I wasn't taking care of myself, its not like I went out and had a Margaretta. I'm still scared to get my hopes up, too scared to start thinking of names or looking at baby stuff. I'm so scared it will hurt even more this time if the worst should happen.

I am going to say that in the 11 weeks of the last pregnancy I didn't feel any symptoms. No tender boobies, no morning sickness. I just got the grumpies, oily skin and a lot of cramping. This time I'm getting all the normal ones! I'm peeing like crazy, I swear my nipples are going to fall off, and well as explained I got the sickness. So I guess that gives me the hope that all is as it should be, despite my discomfort, it comforting to know my body is doing what it should.

I'm at about 7 weeks with a due date of about Dec 14th.

Well that's it for me today. Have a good one ladies.

Oh Jordanna, if you read this before I get a chance to tell you I'm sorry, but I figured you had enough on your plate right now. I thought I'd keep it on the down low.

I love you ladies.

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