Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick

Morning sickness my ASS!
This peanut is giving me nauseousness morning, noon, and night! I do mean this literally.
I'm sick in the morning when I wake up, I'm sick again around 1pm, then again around 10pm! It's horrible!
With Evan I was sick when I woke up, a got it out of my system then I was fine for the rest of the day! I'll take that again please, please?

1 comment:

Annieann77 said...

Hey - I finally got a chance to catch up on your blog! ;) CONGRATS again and you are definately in my prayers, I hope this one sticks! Sometimes feeling like crap is actually a good thing?

You'll get through it and after the sick feeling is gone then you will feel fat but it is totally worth it in the end!! Luv ya lots!