Thursday, October 23, 2008

BBB Yaahoo morning!

Yaahooo!!!!! I actually got some sleep last night! Evan went down to bed at 9pm and didn't come into our room till 7:30! I was so proud of him. He got a special Thomus the Train puffy sticker that I've been saving for very proud moments. I'm hoping this will be a good incentive for him to keep up the good work. A rested Mom is a happy mom after all. My fatigue was starting to hit narcoleptic proportions!

Stickers seem to be the ticket for my boy. He loves them! They're cheep! I love them too. But I think I have to get him a sticker book or something because I keep finding them all over the house. On the tv stand, some of his toys, on the bottom of my socks! I find my feet sticking to the floor sometimes! lol Yup a book is definitely in order! Dollar store here I come!

Well that's pretty much my news. My 1st doc appointment was moved to this coming Monday. (don't ask, lets just say I was once again ready to punch the receptionist in the nose, but she's been fired, so yippy no more screw ups) Anyway so Monday at
3:45 it is.

I also had a doc appointment with our family doctors for 2 reasons. I've been going in every three months about Evan's talking or lack there of. I also wanted to let Dr Anderson know about #2. He was happy that there would soon be another baby in his practice, and gave me a congratulating pat on the back. I said was I was getting rather concerned about the talking issues. I explained about how Evan doesn't get "L" he moves his tong from side to side instead of up and down. This has me concerned, take notice when you talk, your tong is constantly moving up and down! That motion seems like a very important skill for regular talking. Dr Anderson understood my concerns, said he still wasn't overly concerned with the issue, but asked if I wanted to be refereed to a pediatrician who in turn will refer me to a speech therapist. I said heck yes, lets get this ball rolling! I don't want to be dealing with first time speech appointments and a new born at the same time. Maybe if we start earlier we can nip this in the butt before it gets worse. Yes I feel guilty, no I don't really think its all my fault. Being a parent is weird!

Well that's all for me today ladies.

Have a good weekend!


Annieann77 said...

Great to hear you had a good night sleep ~ finally! It was so nice to see you and have a fairly short visit, I can't wait till Wed !! Maybe this time I will let you do some talking!? he he

I wouldn't be too concerned about the lack of talking yet but it is good to know that you want to nip it in the butt before it becomes an issue! I think you're a great Mom and Evan is always so good around Jacob - he will be an awesome big brother!!

Jordanna said...

Yay for big boy beds and stickers....I'll pretty much do anything for a sticker...just ask dustin lol.

I'm sure it will ease your mind to take evan to a speech therapist.

Yay for babies.

Sorry I didn't get your call last night I was at my mum's.