Sunday, September 7, 2008

Differences 1st month

I thought that I would post some notes on the differences between the two pregnancies so far.
1. No heart burn-nota, nothing, I hope this continues. I practically lived on TUMS last time.
2. I'm feeling way grouchier. Maybe that has nothing to do with peanut and more to do with dealing with an Evan, an Earl and all the work yet to be done outside. I guess we'll see.
3. Very, very, very tired. I guess the second child really does cut into the napping opportunities. Oh and there's the second child waking up 3 times during the night. That may have something to do with it. lol.
4. I'm eating like a horse! I don't remember being this hungry before, but I could be wrong. Or I'm eating more healthy this time. I sware to God salad is less filling then that juicy cheese burger.
5. No cravings my butt. Silly book. But at least I was craving something that's better then ice cream. For some reason I really wanted beef jerky. Weird. I don't even like beef jerky! Chewy meat! wrong! but oh so good!
6. So far no nausea or morning sickness but I don't think I've quite hit that point yet. I only had it for a week or so with Evan, I'm really hopping that will repeat this time.
Well that's it for me today.
Have a good one ladies.

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